About Me


Hello there!

Welcome, and thanks so much for stopping by. The internet is a territory teeming with distractions, and I appreciate you coming here.

My name is Kerry and I’m a child of God, wife, Mom, sister, daughter, friend, writer, reader, encourager, animal lover, and chai tea addict.

I married the handsome blond teenager who teased me over the Whopper board at Burger King twenty-two years ago. He was extremely efficient at making whoppers back then and he’s a structural engineer now, but I promise his bridges are much sturdier than burgers. We have two boys who won’t stop growing. One even dares to tower over me now. They listen to my crazy story ideas and give the best hugs ever.

Stories inhabited my mind and heart from childhood on. I wrote my first best-seller in 5th grade, aptly titled Attack of the Killer Onions after the pulse-pounding 80s movie of a similar name.

Growing up in rural New England, I spent hours traipsing through the woods and creeks behind our home, inventing characters and making up stories while building forts of stick and stone. I may or may not have danced with a tree (or two).

I earned my B.S. in English Education from the University of South Florida. I taught remedial reading and Drama to 6th-8th grade and worked as Membership Manager at a local NPR/PBS station before becoming a stay-at-home wife, mom, and writer. I’ve been published in Granola Bar Devotionals, Creation Illustrated, and was a regular contributor to Tampa Bay’s Overflow Magazine from 2011-2013.

I’ve been a member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) since 2011, and in Sept., 2017 I was honored and thrilled when my middle grade story won the Young Adult category in the Genesis Contest. My contemporary romance was also a finalist in 2016, 2017, and 2018.

I love connecting with, encouraging, and learning from other writers! 🙂

A few of my favorite writing quotes:

This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it’s done. It’s that easy, and that hard. ~ Neil Gaiman

Be courageous and try to write in a way that scares you a little. ~ Holley Gerth

If a story is in you, it has got to come out. ~ William Faulkner

Don’t forget–no one else see the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell. ~ Charles de Lint

I’m not a very good writer, but I’m an excellent rewriter. ~ James Michener

Thanks again for stopping by!

If you’d like to reach me, my email is candidkerry@gmail.com.

9 thoughts on “About Me

    1. Hi Holly,
      I apologize for the delayed answer. I’ve finished my first book, but I’m still editing through it. It’s never-ending. 🙂 I’ll write a synopsis then will be sending it off to agents and publishers. Nerve-wracking but the Lord is so good and He’s lead me this way.
      Thank you for asking and stopping by to comment!
      God Bless ~ Kerry

  1. I’ll definitely be checking out your blog more closely. I also write, and how it is to the glorification of God. I’ve kind of told Him that if he wants to show up in my writing that is fine, He simply put Himself there. And He has, from time to time. I just ask that He don’t make me sound preachy, because I don’t want to sound preachy.

    It’s nice to find another writer with similar writing goals.

  2. Hi Kerry: I love your site and your writing. I’m looking forward, along with Rick Christensen and others, to meeting you soon at one of our Brandon Christian Writers group meetings. Feel free to invite friends and if you have questions, my e-mail is cherylbethjohnston@mac.com. I write for Focus Magazine. Congratulations on two published books and the article in Overflow, too! I plan to purchase.

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